Yes, Dr. Sabiya Amanat is a New York City, board-certified pediatric dentist who sees all of our young patients right here in our office.
Is there a pediatric dentist in your office?
Do you see emergency patients?
If you feel that you are experiencing a dental emergency, please call us right away. We can work you into our schedule, or have someone return your call if it is after hours.
Am I a candidate for Invisalign?
Patients with healthy teeth and gums are usually the best candidates for Invisalign.
Our board-certified orthodontist will assess your bite to determine if Invisalign is appropriate.
Do I need a root canal?
Signs of infection severe enough to require a root canal include:
- Severe tooth pain
- Large fractures or cavities in the teeth
- Pain and sensitivity to heat
- A small, pimple-like bump on gums or near area of pain
I’m new to Advanced Dental Arts — where should I start?
Visit our New Patients page for all details! If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us.
How do I know if I have gum disease?
The following symptoms often indicate that gum disease is present:
- Bad breath that won’t go away
- Red, swollen, or bleeding gums
- Heavy tartar buildup
- Loose or sensitive teeth