5 Dental Sedation Tips: What to Do Before and After Surgery

Do you have an extensive dental procedure coming up and are worried about how dental sedation might affect you? Sedation helps you avoid the pain, anxiety, and discomfort of dental surgery. There might be other reasons your dentist may want you sedated during a dental procedure, so there’s no cause for alarm.

Dental sedation becomes even more important if you get panic attacks or your dental procedure is complex. Discover helpful tips on what to do before and after dental sedation.

5 Dental Sedation Tips

Here are five tips on what to do before and after your dental surgery if you’ll be sedated.

Tip #1: Ensure You Eat Nothing on the Day of the Appointment

If your procedure includes sedation, don’t eat anything 8-12 hours before your appointment, depending on your dentist’s instructions. This is an essential rule in sedation; your dentist will often tell you too.

While having food in your stomach doesn’t affect the potency of the sedation, you may experience nausea and possibly vomiting after the dental procedure. Without food in your stomach, the chances of vomiting are often non-existent.

If you take medications daily, please call the office for further instructions on how to proceed on the day of your procedure.

Tip #2: Wear Loose-Fitting or Comfortable Clothing

During your IV sedation procedure, you’ll want to wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing.  Avoid tight sleeves and very light-colored clothing. Dressing in layers will also allow you to adjust to the temperature in the procedure room easily.

Wear comfortable shoes – no heels – as you may still feel a little dizzy towards the end of your procedure, so good, stable footwear is helpful.

Wear loose and comfortable corporate clothes if you must go to work before your appointment. Don’t wear stiff garments that wrinkle quickly.

Some dentists may advise you to come in your pajamas. While this may seem funny, it’s usually the perfect outfit for a dental appointment because it’s pretty comfortable.

Tip #3: Be Well-Hydrated From the Day Before Your Appointment

If you usually find it hard to drink about eight glasses of water daily, try harder if you have a dental appointment where you’ll be under sedation.

Hydrating yourself before the dental appointment is essential, mainly because your dentist will ask you not to eat or drink anything on the appointment day.

So, to not become dehydrated, make a mental note to hydrate adequately the day before.

Tip #4: Ensure You Have a Free Schedule

Ensure that you have a free day on the day of your surgery. Don’t schedule any serious commitments for that day. Sedation, no matter the level, will take its toll on you. So, steer clear of any serious mental exercise or anything that may require you to operate a machine.

If you usually have a busy daily schedule, schedule your dental appointment for a day when you won’t have to be productive at work or anywhere else.

To make the most of your day post-sedation, you can engage in fun activities like seeing a movie or enjoying quality time with family and friends.

Tip #5: Make Plans for Someone to Take You Home After Your Procedure

After your IV sedation procedure, you need to have someone who is 18 years or older to take you home. You cannot drive for 24 hours, and you may not return to work until the next day.  Don’t schedule any other appointments on the day of your IV sedation procedure.

If you can’t find someone to drive you, arrange a cab. You may also opt for non-emergency medical transport providers. With an amount that shouldn’t break the bank, they’ll send a vehicle to take you home.

Foods You Can Eat After Surgery

You’ll likely become hungry after surgery, and then you have to choose what to eat and what not to eat because of your dental surgery. Here’s a guide on how to go about feeding yourself after surgery.

Fluid Consumption

First, you need to take fluids. After your dental procedure, you must prioritize rehydrating with fluids and liquids. This will help you heal and recover fast. Start with small quantities of clear liquids such as:

  • Water
  • Soda
  • Juice

But, it’s important to avoid any dairy products. They tend to disturb digestion and may lead to vomiting due to sedation. You can transition easily with fluids, remain hydrated and give your body essential nutrients.

Progressive Diet Transition

After taking fluids and significantly reducing your chances of vomiting, you can gradually move to soups. Allow your digestive system to adjust from liquids to soups for a while. Then, you can introduce solid foods slowly.

With this, your body will return slowly to its usual functions at a comfortable pace. Pay attention to your body’s signals as you gradually introduce food.

When you don’t feel good about it, it may be best to slow down the pace of your food transition. Also, adhere to any specific instructions your dentist gives you about how to eat.

By respecting your body’s signals and gradually increasing your diet, you can minimize discomfort and have a more pleasant recovery experience.

How Long Does Dental Sedation Last?

The time it takes for dental sedation to wear off after surgery depends on your type of sedation. With nitrous oxide, the effects can wear off about 30 minutes after your procedure, and you’ll return to normal.

If you’re sedated orally or via IV, on the other hand, the effects can last up to 12 hours after your surgery. In this case, you may have to remain in the clinic for close monitoring. It’s also normal to feel lightheaded and drowsy.

Visit a Sedation Dentist in NYC

Although dental Sedation comes with minimal risks, choosing the right sedation dentist is also important. Not all dentists provide all kinds of sedation. So, maintain open communication with the dental team and find the best sedative. Doing this gives you a seamless dental sedation experience, ensuring optimal outcomes and promoting oral health.

If you’re looking for a qualified sedation dentist in NYC, visit us at Advanced Dental Arts. With our highly skilled team of dentists and years of experience, you can rest assured you’ll get the best sedation dentistry experience.

Want to learn more? Contact us today!

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